American Chemical Society (ACS)
The University of Strasbourg is taking part in the “read and green” agreement negotiated with the ACS Publications by the consortium for the period 2024-2026.
Within this agreement, researchers at the university will be allowed to deposit their author accepted manuscript with a CC-BY license in an institutional repository such as univOAK or HAL immediately after publication, without the usual six-month embargo.
To benefit from this “zero embargo” option, affiliation with the University of Strasbourg must be indicated both in the manuscript and when the article is submitted. When the manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author will be asked if he or she wishes to participate in the “read and green” agreement and thus to retain copyright on the author accepted manuscript through completion of the Journal Publishing Agreement.
This agreement does not include the cost of open access publication on the journal's website. It only provides reduced APCs (Article Processing Charges) rates of $2,000. For these so-called hybrid journals (= journals under subscription), APC charges cannot be covered by the university due to its open science policy, nor by ANR or European funding.
“Publish in open access” option: it is not necessary to choose this option to meet the open science requirements of funders. Immediate self-archiving of the author accepted manuscript under a CC-BY license in univOAK or HAL is sufficient to comply with the open access requirements. The article will then be published in a traditional way, at no extra cost for the research teams, and will be accessible under subscription on the journal's website.
For full open access titles from the ACS Au family of journals, the reduced APC rates are $1,000 for authors affiliated with the University of Strasbourg.
Publishing process on the ACS website