ADELE Helpdesk The alsatian data management cluster
The one-stop shop for data
ADELE Helpdesk is the one-stop shop that answers questions from scientific staff in Alsace about research data and software / code.
Certified in 2022 by MESR as part of the implementation of the Recherche Data Gouv ecosystem, the data workshop is run by the scientific data support staff of the University of Strasbourg, Université Haute-Alsace, MISHA, INSA-Strasbourg and BNU.
ADELE is supported by CNRS and the PROGEDO and Huma-Num research infrastructures.
Who is ADELE?
ADELE members work in the following departments:
University of Strasbourg
- BU Data team, Research dissemination support centre, Library Service
- SCIGNE platform
Université de Haute-Alsace
- ESSOR, Learning Center
- Research Department
- The Lab, INPI
ADELE assistance
The members of ADELE can provide you with support in the following areas:
- Planning your research project
- Help with setting up the project: calculating the budget for data management (cost of storage, archiving, softwares, software development, hidden costs, etc.)
- Data management plan: review and guidance
- Data creation / collection
- Help with data creation/collection: database interrogation (API), corpus creation/digitisation
- Help with data structuring: metadata standards and schema proposals
- Data processing/analysis/software code
- Storage/computing: support in using the Unistra computing centre (CESAR/DNum), the high-speed computing service (SCIGNE) and the Huma-Num Box (PHUN)
- Databases: configuring databases (POUNT, HEURIST), developing web applications, etc.
- Sharing and/or opening up data
- Help with depositing data in a repository: choosing a thematic repository; if there is no disciplinary repository, assistance with depositing in Recherche Data Gouv and curation of data deposits
- Help with choosing licences
- Data archiving
- Help with setting up a data preservation strategy: with archivists and DPOs, best practices, legal aspects, etc.
- Data reuse
- Help with data discovery: search in national and international databases, in thematic repositories by type of data (format, language, etc.)
The scientific staff from the following institutions can contact ADELE Helpdesk:
- Université de Strasbourg (Unistra),
- Université de Haute-Alsace (UHA),
- Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Strasbourg (INSA),
- Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme - Alsace (MISHA),
- Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire (BNU),
- École Nationale du Génie de l'Eau et de l'Environnement de Strasbourg (ENGEES),
- Haute École des Arts du Rhin (HEAR),
- École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Strasbourg (ENSAS)
- OSU École et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre (EOST)
- OSU Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg (ObAS)
- Research institutions (CNRS, INRAE, INSERM)
- Hôpitaux Universitaires de Strasbourg (HUS)
Training courses
- Courses on multiple topics related to data and softwares offered by the Library Service, Urfist, CCN, PUD-S and PHUN, CESAR, BNU
- Data & Software Carpentries workshops
Regular meetings and events
- Meet the Research dissemination support centre teamand CESAR every Tuesday afternoon at the Atrium
- The Data coffee, monthly meetings on data at the Studium and online