The Open Science Monitor of the University of Strasbourg

The Unistra open science monitor measures the progress of the openness of scientific publications produced by the University of Strasbourg from open access data. It is fully in line with the University of Strasbourg's open science policy.

76.09% of Unistra scientific publications with a Crossref DOI published in 2022 were open in 2023 (+2.54% since last year, + 23 points growth from 2018)
At the national level, this indicator is equal to 64.72% (June 2024)

Definitions and field

Open access

Publications in open access refer to publications from scientific research that are made available online in open access for all, without technical or financial barriers. The Unistra Open Science Monitor focuses on Unistra publications, i.e. publications where at least one of the authors is affiliated in the institution. It is therefore the activity of Unistra research that is taken into account. The open access rate represents the ratio of the number of open access publications to the total number of publications on the same perimeter (e.g. by year, discipline or publisher).
The generalisation of open access to scientific publications is one of the axes of the French national open science strategy, with the objective of a 100% open access rate in 2030. It facilitates, broadens and accelerates the dissemination of the results of research to scientific communities and to society in general: teachers, students, companies, associations, public policy actors, etc.


This monitor is derived from the French Open Science Monitor (OSM), published since 2019 by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. It measures the evolution of open access to publications in France or in an institution.
The present Unistra monitor benefits from the evolutions brought by the version 3 of the national OSM officially released on March 13, 2023.

The contributions of this new version are the following :

  • Taking into account of theses (extracted from the national catalog)
  • Taking into account of new types of documents (beta version) :
    • Datasets
    • Codes and software
  • Taking into account of the data without DOI (replaced by the identifier HAL or theses)

These evolutions take more into account the publications of humanities and social sciences (it was a limit of the previous versions of the OSM)

Note that some of these evolutions are in beta version (this is indicated at the head of the graphs)

Data sources and method

For the monitor of the University of Strasbourg, the data sources used are the Web of Science, HAL, PubMed and Data sources and method follow the University of Lorraine recipe.

The previous source extractions were performed in March 2024.

  • Therefore, the latest observation year is 2023
  • The latest observed year is 2022
  • The first publication year is 2016 (2013 for PhD Theses)
  • The first observation year is 2018
  • For PhD theses, the observation year is 2023

The resulting file had :

  •     37 247 publications with DOI
  •     21 370 publications (or other type) without doi but with a HAL identifier
  •     (The number of theses is 4 483 over the period 2013-2022)

This file of identifiers and codes is then uploaded to the national site. After enriching the data, the institutions recover the codes of the graphs and comments obtained (iframes) by indicating their identifier for integration on their own site (130005457 for Unistra).

Enriched data are available in csv and jsonl formats here :

jsonl file contains all history data (OA status for each DOI and for each observation date)


The current version was updated in June 2024 ; next update is planned in Spring 2024 (the last year of observation will be 2024)

Old versions