The open science barometer measures the progress of the openness of scientific publications produced by the University of Strasbourg from open access data. It is fully in line with the University of Strasbourg's open science policy.

In 2021, 66% of publications with DOI at the University of Strasbourg were in open access. At the national level, this figure is 62%.

Who ? What ? When ? Where ? Why ?

This monitor is derived from the French Open Science Monitor (BSO), published since 2019 by the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. It measures the evolution of open access to publications in France. Since the data and code of the national OAP are freely reusable, the University of Lorraine was inspired to develop a monitor that could be adapted by institution and made its code available to the community so that each university could reuse it to develop its own monitor.
In January 2022, the national monitor has evolved and now offers local variations for institutions or laboratories. The latter compile and send the list of DOIs to MESRI, which processes them and sends back the enriched data and the BSO graphs in a form that can be easily integrated into a website.

Data sources

For the University of Strasbourg monitor, the data sources used to establish the list of DOIs are the Web of Science, HAL, PubMed and; to these sources, since 2017, data from the annual Couperin survey on publications with APCs should be added, which is a new feature of this monitor.

Only publications with a DOI are included.


After extraction, the data are cleaned following the method indicated by the University of Lorraine to obtain the list of DOIs of the University of Strasbourg publications 2016-2022 (extractions stopped on October 10, 2022).

This list is then enriched by the Department's code which uses UnPaywall to add, in particular, data indicating the status of each publication: open access (or closed), type of access (open archive, publisher, both).

The enriched data are available in compressed csv and jsonl files. The jsonl file contains all historical data (OA status for each DOI and each observation date).


The Humanities and Social Sciences are under-represented due to the exclusive consideration of publications with DOI and the nature of the data sources used.

Extraction dates and next update

The data used to complete this OBS was extracted as of October 10, 2022.

The last full year of observation is therefore 2021.

(Next update expected in 2023).