Research Software Day

Événement passé

Join developers from research units of the University of Strasbourg

20 juin 2024
9h 15h30
Strasbourg, Campus Esplanade, College doctoral européen, Amphitheater

PhD students and researchers are very welcome to participate in the second day dedicated to the development of Research Software (see last events and slides online).

The event will take place at the College doctoral européen (Esplanade campus, 47 avenue de la Victoire, 67000 Strasbourg, Amphitheater) & online:

Participation is credited for PhD students (formation transversale), signing the participant lists.



9 am -> 10 am: An introduction to best practices in code development
Riccardo Hertel IPCMS, CNRS and University of Strasbourg, riccardo.hertel[at]

When writing code, the main objective is to obtain a numerical tool capable of reliably performing a specific computational task. Beyond this purely functional aim of having software that is operating correctly, the code development process itself should be as fast and efficient as possible. Moreover, writing clearly and well-structured software is desirable as it facilitates code maintenance and allows it to be easily adapted and reused. Several “best practices” to account for these aspects of code development have been reported in the literature. I will discuss some of such best practices and their importance for working on larger software projects and put them into the context of experience I gained over the past few years in developing scientific simulation software (

10 am -> 11 am: Software Management Plan

Stéphanie Cheviron Library Department, University of Strasbourg bu-data[at]

11am -> noon: Solutions & tools developped for Research

Arthur Pons, IT Department, University of Strasbourg dnum-cesar[at]


1pm30->2pm: Coffee Break at the College doctoral européen (Esplanade campus, 47 avenue de la Victoire, 67000 Strasbourg, second floor, jardin intérieur)

2pm->3pm30: 2 presentations in Amphitheater (College doctoral européen)

  1. Teaching code to students with Hervé Bulou (IPCMS)
  2. Feedback from Open program by CNRS Innovation with Hugo Talbot (Sofa Consortium)