Research assessment & research data

Événement à venir

Join Data Spring @IGBMC

31 mars 2025
10h 18h
Illkirch campus - IGBMC - 1 Rue Laurent Fries 67400 Illkirch - Amphitheater

For the first time since the launch of the “Data Spring” initiative, the IGBMC will host 1.5 days of events focusing on Open Science and Research Data, the 31st of March all day and the 2nd of April afternoon.


Research Assessment:

  • 10 am: Introduction to the Data Spring initiative 2025 at IGBMC: by Bénédicte Métais (IGBMC)
  • 10.05 am: Research Assessment: which benefits and initiatives? Mrs Erzsébet Thot Czifra (CoARA)
  • 10.45 am: Policy and projects in France and at the University of Strasbourg in terms of Research Assessment: by Françoise Genova (University of Strasbourg)
  • 11 am: Research Assessment from an international perspective: feedback and current activities of the group on Research Assessment at the Research Data Alliance: by Françoise Genova (University of Strasbourg)
  • 11.30 am: Sharing from Research Data Alliance: by Aline Grand (University of Strasbourg)

Buffet for sharing with the speakers

Research data from a platform perspective

  • 2 pm: the data life cycle, Stéphanie Legras, IGBMC, Genomeast Platform
  • 2.20 pm-3.30 Pm: How to put data in public repositories?
  • Sequencing: by Stéphanie Legras, Genomeast Platform (IGBMC)
  • Proteomic:  by Wolfgang Raffelsberger, Proteomic Platform (IGBMC)
  • Imaging: by Sébastien Herbert, Imaging Platform (IGBMC)
  • 5 pm: Games!!
    • Escape Game on open access, Room 4004, IGBMC, animation by Céline Riet (maximum 7 people)
    • Game Board Gopendore: educational game on data management and FAIR principles, animation by Bénédicte Métais, Room 1031 CBI (maximum 12 people)

*Please note that games are only available in French and on registration

Audience/ Public:

This event is aimed at scientific staff: researchers and teacher-researchers, research engineers and technicians, doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows, as well as all IGBMC staff with an interest in Open Science. The events are open to IGBMC staff and external participants, on registration only.


All presentations will be in English. Game sessions will be given in French only.


Free but registration is mandatory: form

Join second day on research data @IGBMC on 2nd of April afternoon (see program)